
Mattia Micheletta Merlin

Hi, I'm Mattia, I'm 21 years old, and I'm interested in physics, mathematics, and computer science. I'm currently studying physical engineering at Politecnico di Torino, a three-year degree program that focuses on physics and electronics. In my free time, I do various things including: being part of the DIANA team, a student team in space robotics, where I have a role as a group coordinator in the computer science department;


  • Normal Modes visualizer
  • Armoniografo
  • Other Pages:

  • Automatic doodler
  • Euler's identity intuitive explanation
  • Digital Library
  • Some Photos
  • Social Profiles and Contacts:

  • X
  • GitHub
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Strava
  • Personal Email: micheletta.mattia@gmail.com
  • University Email: mattia.michelettamerlin@studenti.polito.it